
avcfree avcfree

Yo u can shar e the SOFT WARE PRODU CT with ot her users through in ternet DVD s. You may install a nd use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on one or mu ltiple com puters. 1) This EULA grants you the follo wing right s: Systems Software. SOFTW ARE LICENS E The Soft ware is pr otected by intellect ual proper ty laws an d treaties. In s uch event You may no t install copy downl oad or oth erwise use the Softw are. If You do not agr ee to the terms of t his EULA L icensor is unwilling to licens e the Soft ware. By installin g copying downloadin g accessin g or other wise using the Softw are You ag ree to be bound by t he terms o f this EUL A. For pur poses of t his EULA t he term "L icensor" r efers to A ny-video-c onverter.c om except in the eve nt that Yo u acquired the Softw are as a c omponent o f an Any-v ideo-conve s oftware pr oduct orig inally lic ensed from the manuf acturer of your comp uter syste m or compu ter system component then "Lic ensor" or refers to such hardw are manufa cturer. If You do not ag ree to the terms of this EULA do not ins tall acces s or use t he Softwar e. B y installi ng copying downloadi ng accessi ng or othe rwise usin g the Soft ware You a gree to be bound by the terms of this EU LA. The Softwa re also in cludes any software updates ad d-on compo nents web services a nd/or supp lements th at the Lic ensor may provide to You or ma ke availab le to You after the date You o btain Your initial c opy of the Software to the ext ent that s uch items are not ac companied by a separ ate licens e agreemen t or terms of use. Window detected: Any Video Converter 7.1.0 Setu p END USER LICENSE A GREEMENTAn y Video Co nverter Fr ee Version IMPORTANT READ CAREF ULLY: This End-User License Ag reement (" EULA") is a legal ag reement be tween you (either an individua l person o r a single legal ent ity who wi ll be refe rred to in this EULA as "You") and the L icensor fo r the Any- video-conv that displ ays this E ULA includ ing any as sociated m edia print ed materia ls and ele ctronic do cumentatio n (the "So ftware"). Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\avc-free. Static PE information: LOCAL_SYMS _STRIPPED, 32BIT_MAC HINE, EXEC UTABLE_IMA GE, LINE_N UMS_STRIPP ED, RELOCS _STRIPPEDįound installer window with terms and condition text
